School ethos
At L’école bilingue, children come first, and our priority is to deliver high quality bilingual education in a safe, caring and happy environment.
Being able to speak and write another language is a valuable tool on the road to individual success. As a cosmopolitan capital, London offers all conditions for such an undertaking to succeed.
Early bilingual learning develops cognitive abilities and helps children to construct a dual way of thinking. It also helps the child to eventually learn and use a third or fourth language.
Since 2004, L’école bilingue provides a high quality non-religious education for children aged 3 to 11.
Children learn two languages in a natural way with all the attention, care, encouragement and motivation they need.
The best of both French and English teaching methods is used. Children can then pursue their schooling in either the French or English systems.
French national curriculum
Primary school ends at 11 years old in the French, English and American systems.
Parents therefore have the choice between these 3 curricula for the schooling of their children.
This is a key advantage due to the great mobility of parents who are interested in bilingual education.
Comparison between french, british ans US educational systems.
A school report established according to the French national curriculum and adapted to French/English bilingualism is given to parents at the end of each semester. This document helps them to follow the progress of their child as it describes precisely the skills acquired in each subject.
Bilingual education by immersion
At a time when international exchange and travel are on the increase and means of communication are improving, being able to speak and write another language is a valuable tool on the road to individual success.
As a cosmopolitan capital, London offers all conditions for such an undertaking to succeed. Early bilingual learning develops cognitive abilities and helps children to construct a dual way of thinking.
The child therefore acquires the use of a second language without weakening the first one. It also helps the child to eventually learn and use a third or fourth language.
What is bilingualism?
Bilingualism is the ability to speak and use a second language.
There are different levels of fluency depending on the frequency of interaction with the language .
At an early age, children are particularly inclined to learn languages and do so with ease. This ability fades with time.
What is immersion?
Immersion is a method of foreign language instruction in which the regular curriculum is taught through the medium of language (The language is not taught but is used to teach.).
Language used per subject.
Repartition of languages used for teaching according to each subject:
Nursery school « fully accredited »
The nursery section includes 3 classes:
Petite Section (PS),children aged 3-4 years old,French with English lessons 1/2 hour per day.
Moyenne Section (MS),children aged 4-5 years old, bilingual French/English.
Grande Section (GS),children aged 5-6 years old, bilingual French/English.
School Timetable:
L’Ecole Bilingue is open from September to June following the French school year calendar (36 weeks).
French and English teachers teach half a day in each class. They swap class at lunchtime.
Lunch is cooked and served on site between 12 pm and 12.30 pm.
Pupils have half an hour of sport activities everyday.
Pupils have an hour of music/singing per week.
Elementary school « fully accredited »
The Elementary section includes 5 classes:
CP, children aged 6-7 years old, bilingual French-English.
CE1, children aged 7-8 years old, bilingual French-English.
CE2, children aged 8-9 years old, bilingual French-English.
CM1, children aged 9-10 years old, bilingual French-English.
CM2, children aged 10-11 years old, bilingual French-English.
School timetable:
L’Ecole Bilingue is open from September to June following the French school year calendar (36 weeks).
French and English teachers teach half a day in each class.They swap class at lunchtime.
Lunches are cooked and served on site between 11.30 am and 12.45 pm.
Pupils go to sport twice a week: swimming-gymnastics-athletics-team games.
<Download the registration form>
Arrangements for admission:
Children of all nationalities, religions and ethnicities are welcome at l’Ecole Bilingue from September of their third anniversary.
Priority is given to siblings (current and former pupils) , former pupils, and children of staff .
Applications are listed by date of their reception at the School.
Parents should make sure that they can provide their child with the use of both languages at home (baby sitter, nanny, music or art classes…)
Fees and registration procedure
Fees 2024-2025
Application fees: £120
First registration fees: £720
School fees:
“Maternelle” : £4488 (+20% vat)/Term - siblings £4264 (+20% vat)/Term
“Elémentaire” : £4845 (+20% vat)/Term - siblings £4603 (+20% vat)/Term
Lunch (optional): £301 per term (vat exempt)
Registration procedure:
Registrations are finalised from the January preceding the school year.
1. To register your child return the registration form duly completed at:
l’Ecole Bilingue
St David’s Welsh Church
St Mary’s Terrace
London, W21SJ
with a £120 cheque payable to l’Ecole Bilingue or by transfer:
L’Ecole Bilingue
Threadneedle Street Branch
39 Threadneedle Street
London, EC2R 8AU
International Bank Account Number:
GB86 LOYD 3065 4135 6814 68
Branch Identifier Code (BIC): LOYDGB21682
Sortcode : 30-65-41
Account Number: 35681468
2. Families are contacted from January before the start of the school in September when a place is available.Once your child has
been accepted, a non-refundable £720 first registration fee will be asked on reception of our receipt to secure the place.
3. Confirm your child’s place by paying the first term in advance by May before the school year begins (after having acknowledged
school’s internal rules).
Please note that an application form does not guarantee a place at school.
Applications forms are only accepted after birth.
We ask families who did not get a place by 31 May to renew their interest by contacting the school. It is not necessary to send a new application form.
Please note that, in case of last minute cancellation, school fees already paid are not refundable.
Please note that due to too many requests, positions on the waiting list are no longer communicated.
L’Ecole Bilingue is an institution approved by the French Department for Education and partner of the AEFE.
In the London context this ensure the continuity of education in the French secondary system at the end of the schooling with us (CM2-6eme).
The Team
L’Ecole Bilingue was founded in September 2004 by Veronique Ferreira and Franck Laurans.
Veronique Ferreira is the Headteacher, Franck Laurans the Head of Administration.
They can both be contacted at the school address.
Our teaching staff consists of a team of 21 qualified, energetic and caring people whose concern is the well-being, safety and blossoming of children’s personalities.
Staff vacancies